The wheel swings round!
The year turns round
from Yule to Yule
Swing on the year!
Swing on the sun!
A blessed winter solstice day and night to all in the northern half of our beloved sphere Mother Earth! This is an traditional English children’s street chant from Victorian or probably earlier times. I made this as my greeting card in 1995, wrote the letters with broad and pointed calligraphy pens, burned screens and printed them on my Gocco printer in two colors, put them in envelopes and sent them in the mail with stamps. Can you imagine! Ah well, please forgive me repurposing some of my earlier art here in a digital disguise, but the sentiments are nonetheless heartfelt to all my friends near and far, at this darkest time of year, the light is reborn!
As the LIGHT returns after this winter solstice, we all need to continue the work that’s left to do on LIGHT-ening our footprints on our beautiful Mother.