The harvest comes in bountifully everywhere I look, and by the chill in the morning air and the patch of light on a certain wall, I know the Wheel turns again. It took me longer to “get” this turn at the beginning of August than some of the others. Everyone is so busy and life seems so full at the height of summer. Yet the days began growing shorter at summer solstice, and summer is sashaying right on by us in all her splendor.

The bees are filling up their baskets with pollen, the color of the petals. What a happy color yellow is! With a blue sky, is there anything nicer?

My morning walk along the creekside trail yields this long view. The path snakes around, the straw is golden on the ground. There has been a whirl of harvest for me in the last weeks, almost breathtaking in the flow and swiftness of events, and it is good to pause and take the long view. Much of what has been brought to fruition has been years, years and years in the making. Some things just take a long time. Not all seeds come to fruition, but sometimes a seed planted long ago and maybe forgotten will suddenly yield amazing results. The land and the seasons teach patience and trust in the divine order of things.
We’ve just celebrated a joyous wedding in my family, which would have happened over two decades ago and finally did thanks to a United States Supreme Court decision. I’ve had a couple of books I made five years ago suddenly find their places. And more new creative work is emerging that has also been decades in the making. I’ll say more anon, when I’ve pictures, but for now, my heart is full of gratitude at this Lammastide.
Wonderful photos, thank you. And I like the image of a seed planted long ago, that might “suddenly yield results”. Nothing like taking the long view!
Very few things are as cute as a chubby, busy bee with his fat little pollen pantaloons!
Congratulations to the newlyweds. I’ve heard more than one story like that in the past few weeks, and every one fills me with joy 🙂