sit quietly
doing nothing
spring comes
and the grass grows by itself
Today is Beltane and the mood is quiet as the Wheel turns and another season arrives. By the same reckoning that names winter solstice as midwinter and summer solstice as midsummer, today is the first day of summer here in the northern hemisphere, however it might feel in your part of the world. The days will continue lengthening until the next turn at summer solstice when they will begin their imperceptible shortening again. We are moving into the most flourishing, fertile, waxing time of the year. May your spirit also become lighter during the days ahead.
Banner strips above made on unprimed artist’s canvas painted with acrylic ink lettering under acrylic washes, tied with gold threads to a twiggy branch and decorated with ribbons, beads and bells. In my garden, hanging from a branch of the just-budding vitex tree, with a white sage plant on the right.
Happy May Day!
That is one of my favorite quotes by Basho. I have it hanging in my bedroom.
Happy Beltane!
And to you as well…dear one. ~jennifer
Oh I love this, what a wonderful idea!