Mandala Prayer Wheels: on Special for December

Mandala Prayer Wheels display

I’m making the last remaining Mandala Prayer Wheels available to readers of this journal or followers of Prose and Letters on Facebook, and they will be at Kaleid Gallery for the rest of December. These are made from my Five Sacred Elements card and my Wheel of the Year card, mounted on black-core board and decorated at each of the four corners with silk ribbon, gold ties, and feathers, shells, charms and beads to represent the element or the time of year at that quarter. They are reproductions of the original 12-inch square mandalas I first made in 1999. After I made the design as a card, I tried offering these as smaller affordable versions of the hand-lettered and collaged 3-D mandalas. Like them, these can be turned and hung from each of the four corners throughout the turning of the year or to invoke a particular element. They are about 7 inches square.

Mandala Prayer Wheel Five Sacred Elements display

I have not added these to a page on the Prose and Letters site since I have so few left of them left; I haven’t made these since 2000. You will have to contact me directly to order them (see the Contact link at the top of the page to send me a message). You can still order and pay with a credit card through my PayPal interface, once I have taken your order. They are $29.99 each, plus shipping, and in California, also sales tax.

If you consider a “book” to be a container of information (a very broad definition to be sure) then these are like books. They are a “limited edition” meaning that their manufacture was based solely on my ability to continue making them, which did have a limit. They can be used in ceremony or to mark the year at a home altar, or however you like. Someone who saw one of them recently said they looked like dreamcatchers. I suppose in a small way they do, with things hanging from the corners, but to me they are more like perpetual calendars and grounding tools.

Mandala Prayer Wheel of the Year display

{ 3 comments… add one }
  • Michele 12/11/2011, 3:33 pm

    Oh, those are beautiful! I have one of the cards and despite having bought it to send it, I’m selfishly keeping it for myself 🙂

    • Cari 12/12/2011, 10:05 am

      Michele, I have a rather large collection of postcards and greeting cards collected over many years and am especially glad I picked up so many in the museums of Europe when I traveled there in the 1970s. And I have lots of contemporary cards that might take me years to part with. 🙂 As for the mandala cards, they are very often kept, and I hope, used in some way.

  • Rev. Lynn DeLellis 12/21/2011, 6:03 pm

    These are terrific

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