Kit is 12.75 x 9.75 inches with tools and materials shown, includes softcover book 9.875 x 7 inches, 40 pages
This calligraphy instruction kit includes a 40-page soft cover book and a selection of tools to help you get started learning calligraphy and illumination. The full color book features step-by-step instructions for basic techniques and four projects. First published in 2006 by Walter Foster Publishing, Inc., it is now out of print and selling for inflated prices in the aftermarket.
I have only five of the Discover Calligraphy and Illumination kits. It can sometimes be found at online booksellers and resellers, at very inflated prices.
If you purchase one from me, I will include my packet of alphabet exemplars and guidelines to help you practice the ones shown in the book, at the proper size to match the nibs that come with the kit. Unfortunately, to make the booklet fit in the kit, the company reduced the size of my alphabets. I am a great believer in the value of tracing when you are learning to work with a broad-edged nib, so this was an unfortunate decision for an instructional book. The alphabets were reproduced at the proper size for the Beginner’s Guide: Calligraphy and Illumination.
More photos below this information.
Table of Contents:
Tools, Materials and Setup
Getting Started/Pen Patterns
Parts of Letters/Pen Angle
Preparing the Paper/Ruling Up
Skeleton Minuscules and Majuscules
Foundational Minuscules and Majuscules
Runic Versals
Blackletter Minuscules and Majuscules
Roman Versals
Lombardic Versals
Italic Minuscules and Majuscules
Planning Your Design/Spacing
Working with Color
Writing with Gouache
Designing a Quote
Illuminating Letters:
Runic Letter Panel
Gothic Decorated Letter/Medieval Border
Contemporary Decorated Letter/Floral Border
Other Decorated Letters and Borders
Taking the Next Step
Materials included:
40-page book
5 pen nibs (Chronicle size 1, 2 and 4 broad edge nibs, Tape 2-1/2 oblique nib, and .5 drawing nib)
2 reservoirs
pen holder
black ink
white ceramic palette
6 tubes of gouache (lemon yellow, brilliant red, leaf green, cobalt blue hue, white and gold)
2 brushes
I have written more about this series of books in this journal post published in 2011 when The Art of Calligraphy and Lettering was released.

These are what is included in the packet of alphabet exemplars if you order the kit from me, while supplies last.