Bookwork Shows Summer 2012

This summer some of my works are out a-traveling the exhibit circuit. While I work on new book creations in the studio, completed books and art of the past few years are on view in the following places:

Litanies O Holy Goddess detail

Litanies for Mother Earth was accepted into The Poetic Pen exhibit at 23 Sandy Gallery in Portland, Oregon, one of my favorite book arts venues which also carries a couple of my limited editions. The Poetic Pen is being held during the same time period as the international calligraphy conference at Reed College in Portland, and includes many contemporary calligraphers who work primarily with the book form. The catalog is viewable online, and a printed copy is also available. This show runs from June 22 – July 28, 2012. For you Portlandians, the artists’ reception will be on First Friday, July 6th, from 5 to 8 p.m.

Spelling Words Study

In northern California, I have work in two exhibits. For the seventh consecutive time I’ve entered a piece in the Friends of Calligraphy trienniel Kalligraphia 13″ exhibit at the San Francisco Public Library. It’s a simple piece of abstract and traditional alphabets and marks, done in shades of gray and black on white paper, as a practice for my series of Spelling Words books. This exhibit is a great way to see what is happening in contemporary calligraphic arts. The Kalligraphia 13 exhibit offers ongoing demonstrations every Saturday afternoon through August 18, 2-4 pm in the Latino/Hispanic Community Meeting Room, Main Library, Lower Level. There will also be a gallery Walk & Talk: Saturday July 21, 2–4 p.m.

A Beautiful Round Mother Case and Book

For the Hand Bookbinders of California‘s 40th annual member exhibit I’m showing the round codex from the “Beautiful Mother” series, using the Alice Walker poem “We Have a Beautiful Mother” combined with a contemporary invocation to the Divine Mother. This book has round pages sewn to an exposed binding on a heavy paper cover.  It is showing first at the Green Library at Stanford University, from July 19 through September 14, then moves to the F.W. Olin Library at Mills College in Oakland from October 17 through December 12. A catalog with color images will be produced. The opening reception for this show at its first venue will be July 19 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at Stanford’s Green Library.

Though I am staying pretty close to home this summer, it’s nice that my art is out and about, meeting new people.

{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Karen Koshgarian 06/25/2012, 9:32 pm

    It is always thrilling to know that your voice, your hand, and your heart are out and about.

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