Blessed Being at Midsummer

Summer Solstice Journal Page 2015

Summer seems to touch on a time out of time, when we cease our striving and doing, for a few moments, and simply be. My to-do list is slowly becoming my to-be list. Like the sun in the sky, I too seem to stand still.

Summer_Solstice Altar

At midsummer I feel a sort of threshold: looking back, looking forward, centered in the year. Even as the days grow hotter, they also soon begin to grow shorter as we begin the long journey toward that other threshold at Yule, winding in and out of the labyrinth, over and over again.

Summer_Sage Rose Lavender Bundles Summer June Moon Page

Now is the holy time to gather my herbs and make medicine, to finish an old journal and begin a new one, to read the tarot for its mysteries and magic, to retreat to the waters and the wild at Wilbur Hot Springs for a few days of bliss, to slow down. In simply being, there is much solace and rest.

Summer_Sun MoonTarot

There is so much LIGHT. And this year both sun and moon shine so brightly on summer solstice, that both day and night are filled with illumination.

Summer_Mugwort Sunrise Wilbur Mineral Water Bliss 2016 journal page

May we all blessed be.

{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Michele 07/04/2016, 3:22 pm

    Even as the days grow hotter, they also soon begin to grow shorter as we begin the long journey toward that other threshold at Yule, winding in and out of the labyrinth, over and over again.

    I love the idea of the year as a double spiral, winding and unwinding. Thank you for the lovely image!

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