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by Cari Ferraro
I wrote this on the first page of a new journal, in my lap with a monoline pen, at the Spring 2006 women’s retreat, inspired after choosing the goddess Brigid from the divination deck. I had not really noticed until scanning it for today that the shape is something like a hand mirror. So, be a poem in the world. Let your beauty shine forth.
I offer it today in honor of Brigid, matron goddess of poetry, smithcraft, and healing, and in honor of all poets everywhere. Today and tomorrow are Brigid’s Day, Imbolc, Candlemas, and here in the United States, Groundhog Day, the mere vestige of the weather divination or forecasting that was very much a part of this day. Today, you will notice, the days are lengthening, and spring cannot be far away. In the old Celtic calendar, today IS the first day of spring, as we often call the winter solstice Midwinter on the Wheel of the Year. I will write more about this sabbat tomorrow.
Let the brilliance of Brigid light your creative path in the coming year! Blessed be!
Thank you for your poem! I went to Ireland last summer, first time after 45 years–and rediscovered Brigid.