Another Nice Magazine Appearance

Bound & Lettered Gallery Spread
I’m honored and pleased to be featured in the center spread of the current issue of Bound and Lettered, the calligraphy and book arts journal published by John Neal. There are four pages of images of several of my books with commentary, plus more photos on the inside and outside of the back cover. And just to ice the cake, one of my all-time favorite books by Suzanne Moore and Daniel Kelm is illustrated beautifully on the cover. Inside is a very fine photo essay of Kelm’s work. At one time there was a video on the Smith College website where you could watch some fascinating videos of his books “in action,” including this one, A Maze In Book.

Bound & Lettered Cover

As for my gallery, it shows a nice selection of my book work ranging all the way back to 2000, if you care to include my “Eucalyptus Spell” as a kind of book. Some of the photos may be familiar from my website, but I felt honor-bound to include some new insights on the work for the gallery spread. Please consider supporting this fine journal with a subscription. It’s always full of stimulating book work and lettering, one of the only places you can see such a fine selection of these two arts working together, as they always have, in many forms, throughout the history of writing.

I do need to set the record straight regarding the caption for the image on the back cover, from the book Portal, shown below. It should read: “I am still discovering things about this book. For example, a page has a corner turned down, as pages are often ‘dog-eared’ to keep your place. But this placekeeper is on the only blank page of the book, which faces one of the most enigmatic images.”

Bound & Lettered Back Cover

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  • Pat F 07/13/2009, 6:08 pm

    I am so lucky to have such a talented artist as my bride. I am sooo proud of you, Cari.

    Love, Love, Love.

  • Cari 07/14/2009, 1:08 am

    I couldn’t have done it without you, sweetie.

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