A Winter Solstice Altar

a Yule altarHere is our winter solstice altar. We use the top and apron of a classic old Franklin woodstove that used to be our primary source of heat in the dining room, but now serves more symbolically as our hearth. Darkness falls so early that lighting candles becomes more and more soothing.

On top of the stove is a central candle attended by a green Father Christmas, flanked on both sides by Zuni corn maiden fetishes. I think of the one on the left as a solstice goddess because of her rayed tablita. They are a mix of European and indigenous American images.

I believe the solstice lasts about three days before the sun can be observed to move again. So from our hearth to yours, we wish you all, both great and small, a happy, warm and blessed Yule.

Zuni corn maiden and Green Santa
{ 3 comments… add one }
  • krista thornhill stel 12/06/2011, 12:42 pm

    thank-you for sharing! now that i have found you I will check in regularly! many blessings to you and yours! )O(

  • Suzanne Salt 12/01/2013, 5:30 pm

    I know it’s two years after the fact, but your altar is one of the most beautiful and inspiring I’ve ever seen. It draws you into the Spirit of the Season. Blessed Be.

    • Cari 12/01/2013, 5:46 pm

      Nearly five years after the fact, Suzanne, but I am always glad when someone finds an old post. I enjoy looking at it again myself. Welcome here and blessings of the December whirl to you.

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