Jolly Rumble-O!
We were up,
Long before the day-o,
To welcome in the summer,
To welcome in the May-o,
For Summer is a-coming in,
And winter’s gone away-o!
This old folk song is on my lips every May Day morning, whether we roll out of bed at dark o’clock or not, to see up the sun with the Morris dancers at the Baylands. As it happens we did celebrate with the other crazies and shouted up El Sol! This getup is one of my standards, serving me well, many a May morn now, though the strips have been repurposed. And my garden is bounteous with roses after all our rain.
Today has been a blur of sleepiness so I didn’t join the estimated 10,000 people marching in the streets of San Jose for International Worker’s Day – the local rag put the name in quotation marks since it is not officially celebrated in this country, though it is everywhere else in the world. We heard the drums and the chanting, and the inevitable helicopters overhead.
Instead I spent a detailed hour on the phone with my lovely web designer who is helping me retool my website(s) for mobile. If you subscribe to this journal, you may have received a mysterious “test post” that mistakenly went out while we fine-tune the site before taking it live, which should be in a day or two.
I wish you all a merry Beltane, and a mighty May if you are in the streets agitating for justice. And many a sweet and bright morn.