Welcome to my world of flower and stone, folkway and story.
Come on in and set a spell.

Calendula flowers spread out on paper to dry

Concocting Marigold Medicine at the Fall Equinox

My harvest in the garden this September has been the humble calendula. For centuries she was known among herbalists as marigold or pot marigold, a charming homage to the Great Mother of Christianity, pairing her with that most precious of metals. In the oldest herbals she is referred to in the plural simply as Goldes.

Bodleian Medieval Library


Because I love words and dictionaries, you will find here many explorations of the meaning and current use of words [...]

Spelling Words 3 roman alphabet

Spelling Words

2008 20 pages 9.75H x 7.25W x 3/8 inD Unique calligraphic manuscript books, in a series of three variants. These [...]


Prose and Letters offers a broad selection of inspirational words in small affordable art pieces to give or keep.   [...]