The Light of Brigid

Brigid heart altar 2024

These symbols enlarge, at her festival time, my daily devotion to Brigid. Every morning, I light my hearth candle with these words. This is how I bring focus to my day, for the word comes from the Latin for hearth fire.


The Ivory Towers of Oxford

Open Gate to the Bodleian Library

The gate swung open for me in Oxford, its shadow like a lady’s fan widening its welcome in the bright morning sun, the ivory towers of the fabled Bodleian Library reaching skyward in the distance.


In a feat of sublime orchestration, this collection of books pays homage to the alphabet, that most humble set of abstract symbols with which ephemeral words and stories find their most enduring form, in books.


Bound for the Bodleian

Bodleian Library, Oxford University

I am going to England. An invitation to the artist reception to see my little book on the revered Oxford campus is as good a reason as any to make a pilgrimage to the country that has sung my name since I was a child.